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مدير ناجح يعني إدارة جيدة؟
السلاح الأساسي لإدارة عدد من الموظفين هو المرونة في التعامل من أجل تكوين فريق عمل متكامل يسعي دائماً إلي تحسين الأداء
Leaders vs. Managers
If you are an employer, did you ask yourself who you should be in your workplace “manager or leader”? Understanding the differences will help you deal with your team the best way to get them comfortable while working with you, as well as extracting the very best results from them. It’s you who you can control the valuable energy you can get from your teamwork.
Recruiters’ Guide
Let's figure out how Recruiters / Employers get benefits from NextProfession! In this article, you will find why you should sign up and how to look for a good candidate.
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